作为侦探努力工作的JJ看得非常爽说到底整季都在处理姐妹关系变态反派略逊紫人但是足够了反正重点其实不是他地狱猫在此阶段的收尾完全能接受渣男渣女抹胸不能接受的只是这未完待续感居然就是最终季的结局新来的炮友小哥不错只可惜JJ真爱真的是地狱猫就算你俩面对妈妈的质问不承认最后的You are always my problem也是实锤了最后说一句Fucking网飞
10/05/2019, Francesca Beale Theatre @ NYFF57. Derived from political and economic crisis and despair. Meaningful discussions and explorations about the tragedies that we seemed to be unable to avoid throughout human history. And war smash all our identities meanwhile. Part II的one take monologue很美Lyrical fragments, both visual and text.