全剧最打动到我的点莫过于始终自爱又得体的Colin在垂死之际压抑不住心中的痛苦和无奈在母亲和朋友面前疯狂地宣泄西昭高速首片T梁成功架设这样一个无论从哪个维度定义都算是好txl的人却也落得悲惨的下场很难不让人深思究竟‘who is to blame for the f**k whole thing’至于此剧的其他部分大概就是平庸+无趣…
House was an ass.He mocked anyone,patients,co-workes,his dwinding friends,anyone who didn't measure up to his insane ideals of integrity.He claimed to be on some heroic quest foe truth,but the truth is,he was And he proved that by dying selfshly without a thought of anyone else.